Make Funeral Pre-planning Your New Year’s Resolution
Let’s face it, nobody looks forward to planning their own funeral. However, it can take a huge amount of pressure off your loved ones after you’ve gone, so why not make it your resolution for 2023 to think about the kind of ceremony you would like? There are plenty of benefits to arranging your own funeral in advance, which we’ll address below. Read on to find out how to make funeral pre-planning your New Year’s resolution today.
Why Do I Need To Plan For My Funeral In Advance?
You’ve likely seen your family or friends plan funerals for their loved ones after they’ve passed, or maybe you’ve even organised one yourself. If this is the case, you’ll know how stressful this can be when you’re also grieving. The fact is, there are more advantages to planning your own funeral in advance than you probably realise. For instance:
You Can Ensure Your Wishes Are Being Followed
Maybe you have a favourite song that you’ve always thought would be nice to play at your funeral. Perhaps you’ve got a preference for cremation rather than burial. Maybe you want your ashes to be spread in a certain spot that means a lot to you. Well, by planning your funeral in advance, you can ensure all of your wishes are met.
If you were to pass away unexpectedly and you didn’t have a funeral plan in place, or you hadn’t discussed your wishes with anyone, then your loved ones would be making these decisions completely blind. By creating a funeral plan now, you can rest assured all your decisions will be respected, from the type of coffin you’re cremated in to the colour of the clothing that mourners wear.
You Can Take Some Of The Stress Away From Your Family
We don’t want to think about the pain our loved ones will experience when we pass away, but grief and stress are inevitable during this time. If they are juggling their emotions with funeral planning and any legal responsibilities, they are bound to become overwhelmed quickly.
By making a funeral plan before you pass away, your loved ones can fall back on this. It helps to free up some of their time and relieves a bit of pressure when they have lots of other duties to carry out, so make sure you tell your family about your funeral plan and encourage them to ask about your wishes while you’re still alive.
It Helps To Reduce The Financial Burden
Funerals aren’t cheap, and the last thing you probably want is for your relatives to be hit with a large bill when you pass away. If you so desire, you can actually pay for certain parts of your funeral in advance, which will not only ensure you get the service you want, but it means your loved ones won’t be left out of pocket too.
What’s more, who is responsible for paying for a funeral can often lead to disputes between family members at a time when they should be coming together, so reducing the financial burden can eliminate this.
How Can I Get Started With Planning My Funeral?
The best option is to speak to a funeral director about the different plans available to you. However, you can also start to think about your preferences, such as any music you’d like to be played at the service, the type of coffin you want and any religious practices you’d like to follow.
If you want an eco-friendly funeral, then we might have the perfect solution for you. Our small memorial park on the Gold Coast is a beautiful place, and your loved ones will be able to scatter your ashes here if this is your preference. Why not contact us today at Eco Memorial Park for more information?